When it comes time for buying or selling a property that has a dry cleaning store on it, the transaction can become difficult for everyone involved if the environmental condition of the property is not defined. Ideally, the property you decide to buy or sell will have an agency closure letter that states that no further action is warranted to protect human health and the environment. But in many cases, PCE and TCE solvents are present in soil and groundwater beneath the property, and the savvy buyer and the lenders will ask for a Phase I or Phase II investigation. The property owner, the property buyer, the lenders and the business operators will all become involved in assessing the condition of the property and the strategy for cleanup.
Northstar has remediated many drycleaner properties for customers that had insurance policies paying the bill, and others who were not successful in finding policies. The process of investigation is straight forward in collecting soil vapor samples at the property, and collecting soil and groundwater samples to assess the extent of solvents beneath the site. Once the site is assessed, the discussion becomes how to effectively cleanup the property for the least cost. Remedial alternatives to consider are dig and haul, soil vapor extraction and in situ treatment. Northstar can provide services for any of these alternatives, although soil vapor extraction tends to be the most effective, lowest cost and least obtrusive to neighboring businesses. Northstar fabricates blower skids with custom sound proofing to operate at small dry cleaner properties. Our equipment is easy to install and operate. In California and some other states, the vapor needs to be treated with carbon under an air district permit, but in other states, removal of the vapor is all that is required.
Northstar commonly supplies equipment and services throughout the western states, although our equipment can be shipped anywhere in the United States for local contractors to operate. Northstar’s unique business experience with dry cleaner sites and our extensive list of satisfied customers with sites that are now clean make us a unique partner for you in addressing your environmental problems.
For additional information visit www.northstarer.com or call Katherine Tweidt to discuss your situation at (949) 580-2800.