SCCA March Meeting Covered Boiler Maintenance and Water Treatment

With Michael Leeming – Parker Boiler Co. – Los Angeles, California

Parker Boiler National Sales Manager Michael Leeming was the featured speaker  at the SoCal Cleaners Association Zoom Meeting held March 25, 2021. Focus points for safe and efficient operation covered daily, weekly, quarterly and annual requirements. The importance of proper insulation on steam pipes an return lines was covered, with excellent examples of how much money is lost over time due to lack of improper or missing insulation. Steam Traps are a common  operating problem and should be repaired or replaced if not operating properly. The boilers burners must be cleaned and tuned to keep them operating at maximum efficiency. Soft water and chemical treatment too maintain ideal water chemistry at all times to limit scale formation to assure peak efficiency.  Of course all this was presented in great detail for attendees to take back with them and keep their boilers operating as they should, safely and efficiently.

For SoCal Gas customers it was noted there are rebates available ranging from Boilers and Economizers to steam traps and insulation. For more information you may contact Alice Beltran at

As always, SCCA provided a wealth of information for members and attendees alike to improve their business and save money along the way.

For additional information, or to sign up for the next SCCA Zoom meeting featuring Cody Morrison and W. Chad Jenkins of Droplocker discussing Expanding Business Opportunities scheduled May 20, 2021 at 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. contact SCCA at (714) 494-9350 or visit their website at

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