Good Morning Stain Wizard,
I’ve got a wet clean load that came out with bright yellow spots on several garments.
I have no idea what it is, and it hasn’t budged with chemicals.
Can you pass along the website you gave me to look for stains?
Casi Allen,
DryClean Super Center,
San Angelo, Texas

Dear Casi,
The website you are asking about is… www.
Across the top header, click on Stain Wizard.
Looking at those pictures, those yellow spots are definitely pronounced. I have no idea either what could have caused this to happen.
Both, Kenney Slatten and Doris Easley would say this…“In a post spotting situation, meaning the garment has been processed and stains still appear, the following is the process to follow:
Step 1: Dryside P.O.G (paint, oil, grease remover)
Step 2: Wetside P.O.G
Step 3: Tannin
Step 4: Protein, or Alkali
Step 5: Bleaches
In this case DroGo “A”…liquid optical brightener…worked on some of the garments, but not all of them.
DroGo A is formulated with surfactant carriers for the optical brighteners, found in almost all garments, produced today. It’s a concentrated product.
In this instance, DroGo A worked, when the combination of certain surfactants and solvents didn’t work.
On the remaining garments, where the stain still remains, try using 3% Hydrogen Peroxide and placing them in the boiler room.
Every 20 minutes reapply the hydrogen peroxide. It might take several applications.

Jeff Schwarz “The Stain Wizard” has been in the drycleaning and laundry industry since 1991. He represents A. L.Wilson Chemical Company covering 18 states and Western Canada.
Jeff has been part of several drycleaning associations and conducts seminars and in-plant training across the United States.
He wears his stained lab coat as a tribute to Doris Easley. He writes for various trade publications as a tribute to the legacy of his closest friend Kenney Slatten.
Jeff can be reached at (201) 240-9446 or email: