Is Social Media Right For You? When it comes to social media, there is no shortage of options for you to use. There is Ello, Instagram, Youtube, Vine, Twitter, Meerkat, Snapchat, Pinterest, and of course, Facebook. Now which one is the right one for you? Each social media platform has its own advantages and disadvantages, […]
Search Results for: Darcy Moen
Advertising Fails
“Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is, I don’t know which half’ – John Wannamaker That quote that makes one stop and think, doesn’t it? I’m thinking, ‘Only half?’ Yes, really, ONLY half???!!! Only wasting half of a budget on advertising that failed could be construed as lucky, fortunate, and […]
Hacked…Part Two
Hacked…Part Two: With online activities being such a vital part of your interaction with potential and current customers, a major part of your communication methods, and a significant portion of your marketing efforts, the security of your website, social media and email accounts is vital. Since writing my last article, a majority of my time […]