The Unsung Heroes of Everyday Life

It’s been four years since the pandemic-induced, government-imposed lockdown of 2020 forced many businesses to shut down.  For some of those establishments already in jeopardy and surviving on very thin margins, it was the final nail in the inevitable coffin.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the designation of dry cleaners and laundromats as essential businesses varied by region and country, depending on local government regulations and public health guidelines. In many places, laundromats were considered essential services because they provide a basic hygiene function, particularly for those without access to in-home laundry facilities. This was important for maintaining public health and cleanliness.

Dry cleaners, on the other hand, had a more varied status. In some areas, they were deemed essential, especially if they provided cleaning services for uniforms of essential workers, such as healthcare professionals, first responders and law enforcement officers. In other regions, dry cleaning services may have been considered non-essential and therefore subject to temporary closures or restrictions.

Overall, the essential status of dry cleaners and laundromats during the pandemic depended on the specific guidelines set by local or national authorities and the perceived importance of their services in maintaining public health and supporting essential workers.

In the intricate fabric of society, where each thread plays a pivotal role in the grand tapestry of life, owners and operators in the garment care industry have time and time again proven their worthiness as essential.

It’s a realm where science meets service, where expertise and care converge to maintain not just the cleanliness but the very integrity of our attire. The significance of the dry cleaning industry is just cause for owners and operators to take great pride and have a deep sense of satisfaction in how they quietly and heroically uphold the rhythm of everyday life and the smooth functioning of society.

Preserving Professionalism

In the professional world, appearance is not just a matter of vanity; it’s a language that communicates competence, confidence and respect. The dry cleaning industry ensures that this language is articulated with precision. From the crisp suits that command authority in boardrooms to the spotless uniforms that symbolize trust in healthcare, dry cleaners play a crucial role in maintaining the professional image that is integral to the success and credibility of various sectors.

Sustaining Heritage and Sentiment

Beyond the daily wear, the dry cleaning industry is a custodian of heritage and sentiment. Heirloom gowns, vintage suits and treasured garments are tenderly restored and preserved, allowing them to tell their stories for generations. These pieces are not just fabric; they are woven with memories and dry cleaners ensure that these memories are kept alive, undiminished by the passage of time or the threats of wear and tear.

Supporting the Economy

The dry cleaning industry is a vital cog in the economic machine. It provides employment to thousands, from skilled technicians to customer service representatives. Furthermore, it supports the fashion and textile industries by extending the life of garments, thereby promoting sustainability and reducing waste. By maintaining the appearance and longevity of work attire, it indirectly contributes to the productivity and efficiency of the workforce.

Promoting Health and Hygiene

In an era where health and hygiene are paramount, the dry cleaning industry plays a crucial role in safeguarding public health. By employing specialized cleaning processes, dry cleaners eliminate bacteria, allergens and pollutants from garments and fabrics, contributing to a cleaner and healthier environment. This aspect became particularly evident during the COVID-19 pandemic when the industry adapted to provide essential cleaning services for personal protective equipment and other critical items.

Fostering Convenience and Comfort

In the fast-paced rhythm of modern life, convenience is a cherished commodity. The dry cleaning industry offers this by taking on the task of garment care, freeing up valuable time for individuals to focus on other aspects of their lives. This service is not just about cleaning; it’s about providing peace of mind and comfort, knowing that one’s wardrobe is in expert hands.

Driving Innovation and Sustainability

The dry cleaning industry is not static; it’s a field marked by constant innovation. From eco-friendly cleaning solvents to advanced machinery, the industry continuously seeks ways to minimize its environmental footprint while improving efficiency and quality. These advancements not only benefit the environment but also enhance the overall customer experience.

Bridging Cultures and Traditions

Clothing is a reflection of culture and tradition and the dry cleaning industry plays a pivotal role in maintaining the integrity of traditional garments. From intricate sarees to ceremonial kimonos, these pieces require specialized care that dry cleaners provide, ensuring that cultural heritage is preserved and respected.

In conclusion, the dry cleaning industry is a silent yet indispensable pillar of everyday life and society. Its contributions extend far beyond the surface of clean and pressed garments. It upholds professionalism, preserves heritage, supports the economy, promotes health, offers convenience, drives innovation and bridges cultures. As we go about our daily routines, let us take a moment to appreciate the unsung heroes of the dry cleaning industry, whose meticulous work ensures that the fabric of society remains clean, intact and vibrant.

John Leano works for BRYAN’S Cleaners & Laundry in Pasadena, California.  You may contact him via email:

About John Leano

John Leano can be reached by e-mail: or Twitter: @JohnLeano or

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