This week, ABC News gave drycleaners a thoroughly sensationalistic trashing on Good Morning America, 20/20 and In order to help members respond to questions from employees and customers, DLI prepared the following talking points. Foremost, don’t panic. Sadly, this is business as usual in the media today. But happily, this item is […]
Author: Cleaner and Launderer
Cooperative Conference Hosts More Than 125 Industry Leaders In Cancun
When was the last time you shared ideas with industry peers on how to make your business more efficient, expand your customer base or boost your bottom line? For the largest co-convention so far, DLI and NCA hosted 139 drycleaning professionals at The Drycleaning & Laundry Institute and National Cleaners Association’s Five-Star Brainstorming Conference, January […]
ABC News on Anti-Drycleaning Rampage?
It turns out there is good reason for that old expression Getting Taken to the Cleaners‚ So what happens when you leave your cleaner with your most valuable clothes? – Rebecca Jarvis, ABC News Chief Biz & Econ Correspondent. ABC News is promoting a sensationalist news item that will be aired on 20/20 Friday, March […]