James Cash Penney, founder of J.C. Penney, said, “The surest way for an executive to kill himself is to refuse to learn how, and when, and to whom to delegate work.” How many times have you said to yourself, “If you want something done right, do it yourself”? If your name is on the business, […]
Author: Ellen Tuchman Rothmann
Ellen Rothmann has 30 years of experience in sales and marketing and utilizes these skills to support and facilitate seminars for Tuchman Advisory Group (TAG). Prior to her role with TAG, she was VP of Operations for Richard Wolffer’s Auctions that specialized in sports and entertainment memorabilia. As an Account Manager for K101 – a San Francisco Bay Area radio station – she worked with small businesses to build unique and profitable advertising and promotional campaigns for her clients. Growing up in the dry cleaning business, Ellen worked in numerous capacities at Tuchman Cleaners. She also held sales positions at Apparelmaster and Tuchman Cleaner’s Home Carpet and Drapery businesses. Rothmann earned her B.A. in Marketing from Indiana University. She lives in San Francisco with her husband John, they have two sons For more information contact Ellen Tuchman Rothmann, President, Tuchman Advisory Group. e-mail: ellenrothmann@yahoo.com
Calming Upset Customers: Part 2
In continuing our discussion of Calming Upset Customers, this article includes insights from two Tuchman Advisory Group members. Anni Lundy, Director ~ Memories Gown Preservation ~ Houston, TX said, “We get our fair share of complaints on a weekly basis coming through our customer service department. We produce a high volume and our customers are […]
Calming Upset Customers: Part 1
A critical recurring question that all retailers deal with is how to calm and re-engage an upset customer. This problem came to my attention once again while waiting in line at a local store. What might have been an easily pacified situation escalated into a very unpleasant encounter. I asked myself how this disagreement could […]