Once in awhile, we need to applaud the government because sometimes they get it right. Three cheers for San Diego and their approach to reduce workers’s compensation fraud. I am not referring to fraudulent claims by workers, but rather their campaign to track down employers who do not carry worker compensation coverage for their businesses. […]
Author: Jackie Smith
Jackie Smith has been in the dry-cleaning industry for over 40 years. Her experience spans from owning a drycleaning business to working for Henderson Insurance Agency who specializes in the fabricare industry. She currently serves on the CCA Board as well as the board for So Cal Cleaners Association. She can be reached at jmshb@socal.rr.com.
Do You Have A Business Plan?
Do you have a business plan? If not…why not? You need to take the time to evaluate your business and determine where you are going and how you intend to get there. This is a necessary part of your business. I always thought I knew where I was going so why bother to write it […]
Do You Appreciate Your Employees?
I believe many times we get lost in the fact of what we do for our employees. The economy has not been great and we have tried to find ways to keep our devoted employees. So we get caught up in the fact that we give them a job. We pay them on time and […]