Goal Met in Time for Earth Day 2014 Many people have a pile of steel hangers in their homes from drycleaning. All too often, these hangers end up in the trash. For Earth Day 2014, 386 professional drycleaners, all members of the Drycleaning & Laundry Institute (DLI), pledged to reduce wire hanger waste […]
Author: Cleaner and Launderer
Institute Leadership Testifies at FTC Roundtable on Care Label Ruling
Representatives of the drycleaning, wet cleaning and manufacturing industries joined the Federal Trade Commission’s roundtable discussion about proposed changes to the care label rule this Spring. DLI CEO Mary Scalco participated in the day-long marathon of spirited discussion, offering technical and rational information on each topic. The program began with two presentations regarding professional […]
An open letter to President Obama
Dear Mr. President, It was extremely gratifying to small businesses like the neighborhood dry cleaner, to hear your recent remarks at the swearing in of Maria Contreras- Sweet as head of the Small Business Administration, praising ‘small businesses as the lifeblood of our economy’. Imagine then my distress when a day later during your remarks […]