Current Position: Kelly Kelleher has been the vice president of Kelleher Equipment in Long Beach, California for the last 32 years. Kelleher Equipment is a family owned business that specializes in designing and building of dry cleaning plants. They also sell dry cleaning and laundry equipment. “Throughout the years, I have worked with every landlord […]
Author: John Leano
John Leano can be reached by e-mail: or Twitter: @JohnLeano or
How I Got Here: Lynda Buckland
Current Position: Lynda Buckland is the owner and manager of Scotia Dry Cleaners & Laundry Services in Stanley, Falkland Islands. The Company: Along with her daughter, Buckland founded the business in November 2013 in the South Atlantic archipelago. Buckland’s daughter has since moved on to other things. Due to its remote location, certain challenges must […]
The Company Creed (part 2)
In the April 2017 edition of Cleaner & Launderer (page 12), the title of my monthly column was “The Company Creed.” The mission statements of three companies were featured. To illustrate my point, I invited you to join me in a small experiment. The task was to identify some companies that have recently provided you […]